SAGT3K.com is co-creator of the project nodemite. The board 28nano is designed in Italy and is based on Micromite MkII project programmed with the MMBasic by G. Graham (firmware USB by J.Waldhauser).

nodemite 48mini is designed in Italy is based on Armmite L4 project, programmed with the MMBasic firmware by P. Mather and G. Graham. MMBasic is a Microsoft BASIC compatible implementation of the BASIC language with floating point and string variables, arrays, long variable names and integrated editor and other features.

nodemite 64opizero is a carrier board design for some OrangePI board. 64 OPIzero is designed in Italy is based on Micromite MkII project programmed with the MMBasic firmware by G. Graham. MMBasic is a Microsoft BASIC compatible implementation of the BASIC language with floating point and string variables, arrays, long variable names and integrated editor and other features: